Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
In an effort to fulfill our mission of helping know Christ, grow in faith, and be equipped to serve more effectively,
periodic classes have been held at Restoration Acres since 2011. Each Spring and Fall Person to Person Ministries
hosts a class that meets 2 hours for four consecutive Thursday nights. The classes cover a wide variety of topics
dealing with biblical, cultural, or practical topics that pertain to one’s faith, life, or Christian service. Each class
series has a leader that has experience and/or education in that particular field. A registration fee is assessed for
these classes. The class sessions are recorded in both audio and video formats, and they are available for purchase.
How to Register
3 Ways to Register:
1. Print off the poster above and mail in the form with payment.
2. Call the office and register over the phone.
3. Show up for Class and register/pay when you arrive.
Registration Fees
There is a $15 registration fee
per person.
Where Is It?
It is located at Restoration Acres in
the lower level of the Office building.
Park your vehicle
either in the front of
the Office and enter through the front door and follow the signs to the basement, or park around back and enter through the rear door.
What Can I Expect?
Each session is 2 hours. After an initial 50-minute lesson, there is a snack and fellowship break.
A second
50-minute session then takes place, ending at 8:30 p.m. Bring a Bible, pen,
and a desire to learn
more of God's truth!